Our society is a sad joke. This Ed Krasenstein guy is all over twitter, and is a literal font of progressive idiocy. We should stop all this and make clear that sports, rest rooms, etc are all based on bio sex and if you violate that you'll be arrested. We should also have the guts to stand up and say you can never change your sex or gender. You can only create a 'meat costume' and I don't care how good it is. It may make you happy to pretend you are a woman or man, but you can never actually change such a thing. We got here by tolerating lies. Until we have the guts to stand for the truth, we will get nowhere.
The fake tolerance of pretending to accept an obvious lie for the sake of convenience and ease has led us down this dark path. Many have been made to believe fantasy is reality, privileges are the same as rights, and nothing has any cost of responsibility.
We hear how people will use the "preferred pronoun" so as not to be rude. I think it is rude for them to make us play makebelieve as opposed to reality.
So true. You may be pleased to know that 'Ed Krasenstein anagrams to 'I densest Karen'. I have nothing against the name Karen personally but under the circumstances I shall make an exception in his case.
"He says it’s important to make people "feel more comfortable," but why should the comfort of a few come at the expense of so many?"
This one. Just because the US focuses on individual freedom, we still do not choose the *comfort* (not the life, the comfort) of one over the *comfort* (and safety) of many.
That original Tweet lost me immediately when they stated MAGA republicans/ I am so tired of that. This has nothing to do with Republicans/Democrats/ As an independent Mother of 4 girls I do not want people with penises in the locker room or bathroom with them. Penises can and are used as weapons on a daily basis. Use the individual family restroom or make Transgender bathrooms- but stop trying to take over Women's stuff. Get your own stuff! This movement is very self centered at its core. The only thing that binds them together is hate and anger likely because of hormone therapy. Female hormones are tough to handle even for real women.
Yes, the only think is we don't want yet more bathrooms.
However, building contractors might as they can charge more on projects. And politicians can then pretend to have done something about 'the problem' which they helped cause.
I was in the womens bathroom at the main library in Portland OR when a tranny came in. And yes, I knew right off he was not a woman. They don't care about my feelings. Why should I care about theirs?
For the answer as to why, I highly recommend The Weaponization of Loneliness: How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer by the former CIA analyst, Stella Morabito. It explains how the specific ideology of "transgenderism" and wokeness in general is secondary to the grab for power by tyrants. This power grab is just the latest in a long line starting with the Reign of Terror after the French Revolution.
It's called indoctrination. 2 + 2 = 5. If they can convince you of that equation, they can convince you of anything, like the 1619 Project, abortion is liberation, men are women, reverse racism is justice, Xi and the CCP is a savior of the world, Joe is not Quid Pro Quo, Hunter's laptop was stolen, 1776 ideas of government are passe, etc., etc.
Satan has gone completely stark raving mad and wants as many to follow him into destruction. He has been LGBTQ+ etc for a very long time. On a lighter note
It's important to understand that most liberals don't even agree with Trans. But they are aggressively silenced, like the swimmer Riley Gaines. I made a film that looks at how we silence women and abuse them, including the Trans "movement" and have been trolled, harassed, and canceled ever since, and I've never identified myself as a conservative (though I agree with many conservatives on issues like gender politics and how abortion has not actually made things more equitable for women, especially women who are mothers). Thanks for clarifying this little myth, Seth. If people really cared about trannies and their feelings, they'd suggest getting mental health treatment for what is ostensibly a coping mechanism and an addiction. And leave women alone. We have enough shit to deal with.
"If you feel uncomfortable sharing a public restroom with some people, then pee in the woods." I agree. If you're a perverted cross-dresser who feels uncomfortable peeing in a public restroom with your biological sex, pee in the woods.
Dillon's commentary is right on the mark. The "transgender community" is living in a world of their own perverse reality. No matter how many times or how vociferously transgender advocates spew their falsehoods, the truth is the truth.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
There's a reason the photo of the woman pretending to be a man stops at the waist. She undoubtedly has womanly hips that would spoil the testosterone and mastectomy fueled illusion.
All of the points you made in the outline are totally on target. My stance is: Every transgender man that identifies as a women who has transformed his penis into a vagina is welcome in the womens rest room. If they still have a penis then use the men’s bathroom. Seems far and simple to me. By the way those pictures depicting the woman and men transgenders ridiculous. Who exactly would know what their biological sex is? Talk about twisting the truth. Transgender people are an extremely small percentage of the population and transgender people who look like the two in those pictures are infantilism.
No. Men without penises are still biological men. And they are not just biological men, they are extremely mentally disturbed, biological men. These extremely mentally disturbed, biological men do not belong in a women's restroom.
Were you on a stage giving this speech, you would get a standing ovation! So well-said! Let's try to focus our efforts on getting everyone to recognize REALITY, please!! Love your articles. Always a bullseye.
No, men should not share a bathroom with women because they are men. It's not the reason for wearing a lip stick or wearing a dress, it's because they have a penis, there is a chance of rap, which had happen on the east coast. But listen to left they will tell you anything, this only for their agenda they don't care about much crime it will cost by doing a stunt. This is B.S.
Our society is a sad joke. This Ed Krasenstein guy is all over twitter, and is a literal font of progressive idiocy. We should stop all this and make clear that sports, rest rooms, etc are all based on bio sex and if you violate that you'll be arrested. We should also have the guts to stand up and say you can never change your sex or gender. You can only create a 'meat costume' and I don't care how good it is. It may make you happy to pretend you are a woman or man, but you can never actually change such a thing. We got here by tolerating lies. Until we have the guts to stand for the truth, we will get nowhere.
The fake tolerance of pretending to accept an obvious lie for the sake of convenience and ease has led us down this dark path. Many have been made to believe fantasy is reality, privileges are the same as rights, and nothing has any cost of responsibility.
We hear how people will use the "preferred pronoun" so as not to be rude. I think it is rude for them to make us play makebelieve as opposed to reality.
I don't know about rude so much as plain bonkers myself. Take them gently off to the loonie bin.
His wife too...saw her posts during Covid. Masked pic OF COURSE!
Yep I have read some of his idiotic tweets
So true. You may be pleased to know that 'Ed Krasenstein anagrams to 'I densest Karen'. I have nothing against the name Karen personally but under the circumstances I shall make an exception in his case.
"But for the sake of sanity and safety, we should choose to live in reality, anyway. Truth matters more than anyone's comfort."
That's now what the insane left liberal side wants you to believe.
And I agree with you. It seems safety doesn't sell on the left. The more unsafe we feel, the more they can control us.
It seems safety doesn't count unless you're a mentally disturbed, bearded man in a dress who wants to get himself off in the ladies room.
"He says it’s important to make people "feel more comfortable," but why should the comfort of a few come at the expense of so many?"
This one. Just because the US focuses on individual freedom, we still do not choose the *comfort* (not the life, the comfort) of one over the *comfort* (and safety) of many.
Make them feel more comfortable. Mmm.....I have it, a padded cell where they can't hurt anybody and they can imagine who they want to be.
And let us, the sane get on with our lives.
That original Tweet lost me immediately when they stated MAGA republicans/ I am so tired of that. This has nothing to do with Republicans/Democrats/ As an independent Mother of 4 girls I do not want people with penises in the locker room or bathroom with them. Penises can and are used as weapons on a daily basis. Use the individual family restroom or make Transgender bathrooms- but stop trying to take over Women's stuff. Get your own stuff! This movement is very self centered at its core. The only thing that binds them together is hate and anger likely because of hormone therapy. Female hormones are tough to handle even for real women.
In a sane society, there is a safe place for the insane and those who would force their insane manifestations upon others.
Yes, the only think is we don't want yet more bathrooms.
However, building contractors might as they can charge more on projects. And politicians can then pretend to have done something about 'the problem' which they helped cause.
I was in the womens bathroom at the main library in Portland OR when a tranny came in. And yes, I knew right off he was not a woman. They don't care about my feelings. Why should I care about theirs?
I continue to be amazed at how this “trans” movement has exploded.
There is an obviously evil push to make this lifestyle seem normal, but why?
Destroying the family, for replacement by __someone/something that wants control__
Yes. It's all just a grab for power by the elites.
Population control, IMO. They want to kill the unborn, & prevent the dirty, unwashed masses from procreation. The same purpose behind eugenics.
For the answer as to why, I highly recommend The Weaponization of Loneliness: How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer by the former CIA analyst, Stella Morabito. It explains how the specific ideology of "transgenderism" and wokeness in general is secondary to the grab for power by tyrants. This power grab is just the latest in a long line starting with the Reign of Terror after the French Revolution.
It's called indoctrination. 2 + 2 = 5. If they can convince you of that equation, they can convince you of anything, like the 1619 Project, abortion is liberation, men are women, reverse racism is justice, Xi and the CCP is a savior of the world, Joe is not Quid Pro Quo, Hunter's laptop was stolen, 1776 ideas of government are passe, etc., etc.
Satan has gone completely stark raving mad and wants as many to follow him into destruction. He has been LGBTQ+ etc for a very long time. On a lighter note
It's important to understand that most liberals don't even agree with Trans. But they are aggressively silenced, like the swimmer Riley Gaines. I made a film that looks at how we silence women and abuse them, including the Trans "movement" and have been trolled, harassed, and canceled ever since, and I've never identified myself as a conservative (though I agree with many conservatives on issues like gender politics and how abortion has not actually made things more equitable for women, especially women who are mothers). Thanks for clarifying this little myth, Seth. If people really cared about trannies and their feelings, they'd suggest getting mental health treatment for what is ostensibly a coping mechanism and an addiction. And leave women alone. We have enough shit to deal with.
"If you feel uncomfortable sharing a public restroom with some people, then pee in the woods." I agree. If you're a perverted cross-dresser who feels uncomfortable peeing in a public restroom with your biological sex, pee in the woods.
Dillon's commentary is right on the mark. The "transgender community" is living in a world of their own perverse reality. No matter how many times or how vociferously transgender advocates spew their falsehoods, the truth is the truth.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
-- Joseph Goebbels
Totally agree but not even sure those pics are what they say they proport to be.
There's a reason the photo of the woman pretending to be a man stops at the waist. She undoubtedly has womanly hips that would spoil the testosterone and mastectomy fueled illusion.
All of the points you made in the outline are totally on target. My stance is: Every transgender man that identifies as a women who has transformed his penis into a vagina is welcome in the womens rest room. If they still have a penis then use the men’s bathroom. Seems far and simple to me. By the way those pictures depicting the woman and men transgenders ridiculous. Who exactly would know what their biological sex is? Talk about twisting the truth. Transgender people are an extremely small percentage of the population and transgender people who look like the two in those pictures are infantilism.
No. Men without penises are still biological men. And they are not just biological men, they are extremely mentally disturbed, biological men. These extremely mentally disturbed, biological men do not belong in a women's restroom.
Nor do they belong in society. Private institutionalization is the correct societal answer.
Were you on a stage giving this speech, you would get a standing ovation! So well-said! Let's try to focus our efforts on getting everyone to recognize REALITY, please!! Love your articles. Always a bullseye.
Where are the ethics of these surgeons that would subject these people to "gender affirming surgery"???
It’s all about money
Brilliant! Thank you Seth Dillon for daring to speak the truth.
No, men should not share a bathroom with women because they are men. It's not the reason for wearing a lip stick or wearing a dress, it's because they have a penis, there is a chance of rap, which had happen on the east coast. But listen to left they will tell you anything, this only for their agenda they don't care about much crime it will cost by doing a stunt. This is B.S.