Should men be denied access to women's restrooms even if no one can tell they're men?
Yes, and it's a ridiculous question. Here's why:
In the viral tweet below, two pictures are placed side-by-side. The one on the left is of a man who looks like a woman. The one on the right is of a woman who looks like a man. The author challenges “MAGA Republicans” to explain why these individuals should be asked to use the restroom that aligns with their sex. That would be more uncomfortable, he argues, than letting them use the restroom that aligns with their appearance. Here’s the tweet:
Since no one’s too concerned about women getting access to men’s spaces — we don’t have the same privacy or safety concerns — I’ve focused my replies on the real issue: men in women’s spaces.
It's a man's maleness that makes it inappropriate for him to enter a women's restroom or locker room, not his appearance. A man who looks like a woman is still a man.
If the standard is appearance, then most men who identify as women would fail the test. They typically look like comical caricatures of women.
It's not a matter of letting these individuals "be who they are" because they are not actually women. A woman is not "anyone who wears a dress and puts on lipstick." A woman is an adult human female. If you are not female, you are not a woman.
He says it’s important to make people "feel more comfortable," but why should the comfort of a few come at the expense of so many? There are far more women uncomfortable with disguised men entering their private spaces than there are dysphoric men who will feel sad if they can’t sit and pee next to real women.
Reality is uncomfortable for people who dislike it. But for the sake of sanity and safety, we should choose to live in reality, anyway. Truth matters more than anyone's comfort.
Our society is a sad joke. This Ed Krasenstein guy is all over twitter, and is a literal font of progressive idiocy. We should stop all this and make clear that sports, rest rooms, etc are all based on bio sex and if you violate that you'll be arrested. We should also have the guts to stand up and say you can never change your sex or gender. You can only create a 'meat costume' and I don't care how good it is. It may make you happy to pretend you are a woman or man, but you can never actually change such a thing. We got here by tolerating lies. Until we have the guts to stand for the truth, we will get nowhere.
"But for the sake of sanity and safety, we should choose to live in reality, anyway. Truth matters more than anyone's comfort."
That's now what the insane left liberal side wants you to believe.
And I agree with you. It seems safety doesn't sell on the left. The more unsafe we feel, the more they can control us.