Thank you, Seth. I feel much safer now 💕

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I’ve always felt uncomfortable calling them MANdates, seems like we are simply wrapping the evils of patriarchy inside a health/safety veneer

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I'm so pleased the CDC has decided to tell people how to speak.

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It's blatant exclusivity to speak only of idiots without recognizing the existence of imbeciles and morons as well. Shame.

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My mom called me "You People" because me, my wife & kids aren't getting vaxxed. Sorry kids, don't think you're getting any inheritance from Grandma & Grandpa.

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When are the letters A and B going to complain they've been left out of the CDC? And why does C get to be mentioned twice (sorry, I'm acronymally challenged so don't judge me you bastards!)?

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I Am one of those unvaccinated Idiots and proudly so.! By the end of mostly 2 years all those Vaccinate good People shall be dead.! Do you our arithmetic and work out how many less People shall be left on this Earth. Enjoy your time left you obedient vaccinated Booster Folks.

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Sir, it is our kindest desire you were no longer within our presence.

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Bullschiff!!! There. Is that inclusive enough????

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